Rachel Farabaugh has been interpreting dreams and reading Tarot since she was fourteen years old. After twenty years of reading, she decided to design her own deck called Inspirational Tarot. She spent three years illustrating the Inspirational Tarot Deck and writing the book to match. Reading Tarot and teaching it to others has become a monumental part of her life, and it’s one of her main focuses today. Rachel also includes the Spirit Animal Oracle Deck that she created into the readings. By blending the ancient teachings of the Tarot with the channeled wisdom of animals, her sessions are very intuitive and concise. She focuses her energy on each client’s main questions and concerns to help provide insight, reassurance and guidance from a place of higher knowledge and love.  


 Each session is approximately 15-20 minutes and costs $55/person

★ Call 928-275-1333 ★